Questions and comments

Feel free to email me: I'll use your comments, queries and resulting answers on my Bulletin Board page.


My agent, James Gill of United Agents, who's always open to ideas:

My publisher, HarperCollins, without whom etc etc etc:

Should you be in America – you will find my books published by these people:

Vikings online

The real Oathsworn of Einar The Black (or Inar, as he prefers)

The other ship crews of the larger organisation we belong to. On a good weekend, we can put together a couple of thousand, including Poles, Czechs etc etc. Spookily, the real Vikings who invaded the UK probably didn’t have very many more …

Other artists

The Scarrow Brothers – brilliant as it is to have Simon Scarrow and his talents, it is brilliance doubled to find he has a brother, Alex, who also writes great stuff.

Sophia McDougall, one of the best authors around. Young, beautiful and sweet as mead, you should treat her as you would a horn of that stuff – with respect, otherwise you will end up in a world of misery and pain. I also like her brother’s music.

Bernard Cornwell needs no introduction from me... but it's a great honour to have him say, 'I wish I'd written The Whale Road!'

Martin Kielty is a young whippersnapper who's been annoying me since I was his boss in his first newspaper. Still stuck in journalism, he's also written a couple of books himself, along with managing bands, playing in bands and designing, producing and running this website for me. Watch his career with interest! This paragraph is here to make the job cheaper.